Industrial plant

Innovative heart of Assopaf

Technologically advanced machineries allow the maintaining of the organoleptic characteristics of the processed products

The plant is placed at 166.00 Km Appia Street – Cellole (CE) industrial area.

It consists of 1 ha of industrial warehouses, where processing activity is carried out, and includes 1 ha of open area (yards etc.) used for goods handling. Within this industrial site, the Company has two office areas; the first is dedicated to the management of incoming and outcoming goods and is

located immediately at the entrance of the plant; the second one, located within the industrial warehouses, consists of laboratory (where quality control is carried out) and meeting/dining rooms.

Ingresso Stabilimento
Stabilimento dall'alto

The industrial site has five processing lines, three of which are used for processing peeled and pulp tomatoes; one line is addressed to the tomato puree processing (3000 g and 3400 g sizes), and the last one is used for 1000 g tomato products.

These processing lines are highly technological and comply with strict work and food safety regulations. Final products are peeled tomatoes, chopped and chrushed tomatoes, tomato purée.

Prontochef and Agrisole brands indicate the conventional and the organic products, respectively.

Processing lines are
highly technological and comply with strict work and food safety regulations.

In fact, the Company systematically applies control of efficiency procedures to the processing lines scheduling their ordinary and extraordinary maintenance interventions, to keep high the active and passive safety levels of the entire industrial site.

This makes Assopaf one of the safest companies in the agri-food supply chain in “Terra di Lavoro”.

Operai a Lavoro

The plant is not served by the public water supply, so draws its water needs from drilled wells, located in the production site, equipped with submerged pumps at about fifty meters underneath. Water emitted from the wells is treated with “hydro cyclone” filters to eliminate any suspended particles (sand, etc.), and is stored in a food-use tank serving pumps that feed the entire water network of the plant. Further, the chlorination and the UV ray treatments are aimed at the elimination of any polluting colonies, making water suitable for industrial use.

The building is equipped with independent electrical cabinet to produce electricity and a purification plant for wastewater treatment. Assopaf has the authorizations to discharge waste water and for the emission of fumes into the atmosphere. The plant is also equipped with an electronic weight station for the quantitative control of goods (maximum capacity 80000 kg), that is online with the office involved in goods acceptance. The weight, as well as the entry and exit date and time of vehicles are registered and printed. The electronic printer connected with the weighting system is sealed by punching of the Provincial Metric Office. All electronic and mechanical equipment is closed and therefore not accessible to unauthorised personnel.

Trattamento fanghi di lavorazione
Pannelli Solari

In 2017, in the frame of “Rural Development Project 2014-2020” (4.2.1), Assopaf further developed reducing the environmental impact of its processing activity.

A 499.23 kWp photovoltaic plant with the system of net metering has been installed to reduce the use of traditional energy and pollutants; wastewater treatment plant has been improved reducing the presence of solids in water and consequently the quantity of sludge to be treated.

Several tools allowed to significantly increase the productivity reducing the overall environmental impact (i.e., bichromatic optical sorters reduce the amount of product going to waste) as attested by Life Cycle Assessment.

Packaging activity has been robotized enhancing the efficiency of this step. Finally, turbo extraction of lycopene and essential oils, allowed the enhancement of both the final product, based on beneficial properties of lycopene, and waste products.


Processing activity takes place exclusively in the summer season (July/September) when the consortium employs over 100 fixed-term workers divided into two shifts. This represents an important support for families residing in the area surrounding the farm.

Legal site

Via della Corte, 72                     
80040 Cercola (NA)


Via Appia Km 166,00                     
81030 Cellole (CE)


Phone: +39 0823.703785  
Fax: +39 0823.703785

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